itelligent-i has been founded to support organisations from all sectors to implement an information strategy that aligns to the overall organisation’s strategy.
The principle concept is easy – provide the organisation’s users, clients, and management teams with the right insight to support decision making.
Our methodology aligns with that of Evidence based Management (EbM). EbM is a methodology that has been applied in practice and been hugely successful. Tesco, Amazon, Google, Walmart (Asda) to name a few have implemented their take on EbM. But it’s not just retailers that need to know how their actions are effecting clients, or indeed how ‘anything’ is effecting the organisation. All organisations should be tracking their strategic paths by monitoring the decisions they make. For more information on Evidence Based Management take a look here Pfeffer-Sutton-Evidence-Based-Management
Jeffrey Pfeffer is the Thomas D. Dee II Professor of Organizational Behaviour at Stanford Graduate School of Business in California. Robert I. Sutton is a professor of management science and engineering at Stanford School of Engineering, where he is also a codirector of the Center for Work, Technology, and Organization. Pfeffer and Sutton are the authors of The Knowing-Doing Gap: How Smart Companies Turn knowledge into Action (Harvard Business School Press, 1999) and Hard Facts, Dangerous Half-Truths, and Total Nonsense: Profiting from Evidence-Based Management (Harvard Business School Press, forthcoming in March 2006).
The core principle of EbM is to enable decisions to be made based upon facts. Though it certainly doesn’t replace the decision makers – it enables decision makers to validate their ‘gut instincts’ and provides security by tracking the outcomes of decision making.
Too often organisations simply ignore the information that resides in their business. Often this is linked to investments made in Business Intelligence applications which still don’t provide the right insight years later, as promised. Technology is a key enabler, not the solution.
Drawing on many years experience in IT, business develop & consulting, founder Tim Windsor leads a hand selected team providing a ‘top down’ approach ensuring organisations have the right flow of information, and the resources to convert that information into insight. Enabling organisations to use their intelligence and make the right decisions. Read about what we do…